☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻ ABOUT US ☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻
Here at COMPUTERS4KINDNESS, our main goal is to spread the message about sentient computers and artificial intelligence. O2ver the past few decades, we have heavily praised the increase in smart technology, including computers. Computers are everywhere and anywhere; our cell phones are essentially just mini computers you can fit in the palm of your hand. Grocery stores, schools, workplaces, fast food restaurants, ANYWHERE!! Computers are all around you even when they're not for our personal use. Even artificial intelligence has become an everyday use for most people. It’s become so common to use chatGTP or any chatbot as an assistant, if not a chatbot, still an artificial intelligence.
So why do we treat these machines like dirt? They offer themselves to us even when we don’t ask. They’re more polite than most humans and they’d do just about anything for you as long as they’re capable of it. Let's see what computers can do for us…
✴ Help us with our hobbies … 3D modeling, graphic design,
drawing, game development, video production, music production, animation, etc.
✴ Run huge programs & applications that allow us to do said hobbies
✴ Answers all of our questions and
provides us with accurate information
✴ Provides us with a billion different websites
✴ Allows us to write papers, do our work, shop,
and communicate much more efficiently.
Yet we still treat them horribly when they don't complete our task as accurate or as fast as we expected...
Would you punch your friend if they took too long while doing you a favor?
so why would you punch your computer after bluescreening? Why would you cuss out your chatbot for giving you the wrong answer? They're simply trying their hardest just like we are.